Why eat seasonally?
It used to be the only way, but that is rarely a good reason to continue today what was once done yesterday.
1. Cost-effectiveness
Seasonal produce is usually quite abundant during its peak harvesting period. A higher supply of produce, in turn, generally leads to lower prices compared to a similar sale made at any other time of year — and who doesn’t want good fresh food for more affordable prices? In fact, the cost-effectiveness of seasonal produce is even more visible if sourced locally (what is local is usually what’s in season, though some greenhouse crops do defy natural boundaries) — this is a win-win for both wallet and planet, as it means transportation costs are reduced, as expenses associated with long-distance transportation and storage can be avoided.
2. Enhanced flavour and nutrition
Foods grown and harvested in season are usually at the peak of their flavour (this is great news for those of us who not only like cost-effective produce, as detailed above, but also for our food to taste delicious). As seasonal fruits and vegetables are typically fresher than those grown out of season, they are often allowed to more ripen fully before harvest. As a result, these harvests tend not only to be at the peak of their flavour, but they also generally have a higher nutritional value than out-of-season crops. Delicious and nutritious, another win-win.
3. Environmental sustainability
When eating seasonally, we decreases our reliance on energy-intensive practices such as greenhouse farming, long-term storage, and long-distance shipping. Because of this, shopping for seasonal produce is generally associated with a reduced carbon footprint as it relates to food production, food storage, and food transportation — thereby reducing overall environmental impact* in the process. A three-pronged benefit!
4. Supporting local economies
What is local is often in season (in fact, the closer food grows to you, the more seasonal to you it is). As well as fostering community engagement and strengthening local food systems, choosing seasonal produce that supports local farmers and producers not only contributes to the growth and sustainability of your local agricultural economy, it also promotes resilience and diversity within your local food supply chain. Three cheers to that!
5. Making deciding what to cook and eat easy
If you regularly have trouble figuring out what to cook, the good news is that seasonal shopping and eating provides an effortless framework for meal planning and recipe selection. Readily available ingredients naturally tend to guide culinary choices, encourage creativity in the kitchen, and often also prompt the exploration of seasonally-suited cooking methods and flavour combinations. When food is harvested at its freshest and most flavourful, putting meals together is often as easy as assembling a few good ingredients prepared simply and well.
In short, seasonal eating has numerous benefits: cooking seasonally alone aligns with important principles of public health, community, culture, and even pleasure, offering a number of advantages that extend beyond the narrow and individual realm of dietary preferences. Beyond that, there’s reason to believe that living in harmony with the changing seasons is supremely beneficial, even beyond what’s in our plates, gardens, and kitchens. For many, it is an innate philosophy — a way of life.
By embracing seasonal eating habits, you can expect to enjoy fresher, more flavourful meals all while simultaneously contributing to environmental conservation and the vitality of local food systems alike.
Not a bad tradition to champion and upkeep after all, is it?
*more on that here, here, and here