What we eat is so important. For our health, our politics & economics, for nature, for culture, for our future. And the more we know about where it comes from, how it’s made, who it benefits or harms, what it’s made of and what we make of it, and why we eat this (not that)… the more we can make educated decisions and act in a way that can help shape better futures for all.
things to listen to
It’s hard read a book or watch a show while cooking, but one can most definitely listen to music or radio without much difficulty — for me, a podcast is even better. Here are some that I like about eating and food.
A Thorough Examination, by BBC Radio 4
Is learning more about ultra-processed foods the best way to find them less attractive?
The Food Programme, BBC Radio 4
This is one of those podcasts that I will clear my listening queue for if a new episode has just been released. As host Sheila Dillon reminds listeners regularly, the show explores all things food — “from culture to cooking, from politics to pleasure”.
Fuel to Fork, by IPES-Food, TABLE, and the Global Alliance for the Future of Food
A major new podcast series, brought together by IPES-Food, TABLE, and the Global Alliance for the Future of Food, that exposes the hidden role of fossil fuels in the food we eat.
The Chefs’ Manifesto Podcast, by the SD2 Advocacy Hub
This podcast brings the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to life by inviting chefs and relevant experts to have conversations about SDG2: ending hunger, achieving food security and improved nutrition and promoting sustainable agriculture.
The Food Chain, by the BBC World Service
Reminiscent of the Food Programme in some ways, the Food Chain’s focus lies more on the business side and the science side of food, as well as its cultural significance.
a selection of episodes
(in English, French, or Norwegian)
last updated in November 2024
EN What are Ultra-Processed Foods, and Are They Bad for You?, Scientific American
EN Removing unhealthy messaging in children’s advertising, The Current
NO Ultraprosessert mat, fordøyelse og helse. Med ernæringsbiolog Marit Kolby, Leger om livet
NO Delås Gård: Dyrk mat, ikke plen! Ren Mat
FR Qui a peur des aliments ultra-transformés?, Révolutions alimentaires !
EN How The Food Industry Created Today’s Obesity Crisis, With Marion Nestle, Big Brains
EN How did ultra-processed foods take over, and what are they doing to us?, The Guardian Science Weekly
EN Prescribing Fruit and Veg — A New Model for the NHS?, The Food Programme
EN How ultra-processed foods wreak havoc on your body, ZOE Science & Nutrition
EN What do we really know about the health risks of eating processed food? ABC Radio Melbourne
EN Feeding Your Brain: A User’s Guide, The Food Programme
EN Food for Thought: How Nutrition Affects Our Minds, Intelligence Squared
EN The Global Food System: Too Big to Fix?, The Food Programme
EN From Plate to Policy: how can YOU take action towards a sustainable food future?
EN Junk food advertising under the spotlight, ABC listen
EN Eating for the climate: exploring sustainability and food choices, WXXI News NPR
EN Lessons from Leeds and Amsterdam on childhood obesity, The Food Programme
EN Who Gets to Decide What Food Ends Up on Our Public Plates? Slow Food, the podcast
things to read
I think it is wise to be well-informed on matters that, well, matter. I also think it is sensible to seek out information from many different people, whom each have a lot of experience or done a lot of research on the matter you seek to know more about. Hopefully the reading materials listed below meet that standard.
The Way We Eat Now, by Bee Wilson
If you are interested in food beyond eating it, you should get acquainted with Bee Wilson’s work.
In Defense of Food, by Michael Pollan
Even if you haven’t read this time-honoured classic, you may well be familiar with its fundamental premise: “Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.”
Sustainable Diets, by Pamela Mason and Tim Lang
This is one that I look forward to reading soon. Professor Tim Lang is most definitely acquainted with the subject of food (at least, at an academic level).
Let’s Ask Marion, by Marion Nestle
If anyone can explain what food has to do with politics, it is Marion Nestle.
How to Eat, by David L. Katz & Mark Bittman
With so many food- & health-related headlines popping up on our screens every day, one can easily get confused. A doctor and a food writer get together and clear things up.
some articles and other books
(in English, French, or Norwegian)
last updated in November 2024
articles, reports & papers
EN Ultra-processed foods: what they are and how to identify them, Public Health Nutrition
EN Articles on Ultra-processed food, The Conversation
EN Ultra-processed foods: A global threat to public health, Global Food Research Program
EN Commercial determinants of health, The Lancet
EN How ultra-processed food took over your shopping basket, The Guardian
EN Agriculture has changed the planet – now we need to change our diet to protect it, Big Issue
EN The world is hooked on junk food: how big companies pull it off, The Conversation
EN World Health Organization Warns Against Using Artificial Sweeteners, The New York Times
EN The ‘Good Food Good Farming’ Movement Campaigns for a Better EU Food System, Slow Food
EN What we know about the health risks of ultra-processed foods, NPR
FR Ces aliments ultratransformés qui peuvent vous rendre malade, Radio-Canada
NO Forskarar viser at industrimat gjev kreftfare: – Må bli ein større del av kosthaldsdebatten, NRK
EN Why is cancer striking earlier? One answer could be a diet of ultra-processed foods, The Guardian
EN The link between highly processed foods and brain health, The New York Times
EN Melted, pounded, extruded: Why many ultra-processed foods are unhealthy, The Washington Post
EN Social, clinical, and policy implications of ultra-processed food addiction, BMJ
EN Depression Linked to Ultra-Processed Foods, Sweeteners, WebMD
EN How Lunchables ended up on school lunch trays, The Washington Post
EN PLANT THE FUTURE. Respect Animals, Protect the Planet, Slow Food
EN Is That Food Ultra-Processed? How to Tell, The Wall Street Journal
EN Government inaction on obesity is harming our health, The Guardian
EN Are Ultra-Processed Foods Fattening? They Are for Company Profits, The Wall Street Journal
EN Like cigarettes, junk food should come with a warning: ‘Can kill’, The Guardian
EN It is time for a coalition against ultra-processed foods, The BMJ
EN From anxiety to cancer, the evidence against ultra-processed food piles up, NPR
EN This is Your Brain on Ultra-Processed Foods, WSJ
EN Mood up, GP visits down: the impact of prescribing fruit and veg, The Times
EN Food as You Know It Is About to Change, The New York Times Opinion
EN The deep pockets of health-harming industries, The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology
EN One in 11 people went hungry last year. Climate change is a big reason why. Grist
EN Mexico’s bold new law on adequate and sustainable nutrition, The Lancet
EN Children’s sugar consumption halved since tax announcement, study finds, The Guardian
EN When plant foods are ultra-processed, the health benefits disappear, The Washington Post
EN Diets, health and the environment, Nature Food
EN New evidence links ultra-processed foods with a range of health risks, The BMJ
EN Gas stoves may soon come with a tobacco-style health warning label in California, NPR
EN A toxic relationship: ultra-processed foods & plastics, Globalization and Health
EN The False Economy of Big Food, the Food, Farming and Countryside Commission (FFCC)
EN Conflicts of interest: moving towards zero tolerance, The British Medial Journal (BMJ)
EN Nutritionism — The Science and Politics of Dietary Advice, Gyorgy Scrinis
FR Mange et tais-toi: Un nutritionniste face au lobby alimentaire, Serge Hercberg
NO Hva og når skal vi spise? Marit Kolby
FR Sauver la planète une bouchée à la fois, Bernard Lavallée
EN Slow Food Nation: Why Our Food Should Be Good, Clean, and Fair, Carlo Petrini
FR Pourquoi tout compliquer ? Bien manger est si simple !, Anthony Fardet
EN Brain Changer: The Good Mental Health Diet, Felice Jacka
EN Salt, Sugar, Fat: How The Food Giants Hooked Us, Michael Moss
FR Halte aux aliments ultra transformés ! Mangeons vrai, Anthony Fardet
EN Ultra-Processed People: The Science Behind the Food That Isn’t Food, Chris Van Tulleken
EN Eating to Extinction: The World’s Rarest Foods and Why We Need to Save Them, Dan Saladino
EN Food Politics: How the Food Industry Influences Nutrition and Health, Marion Nestle
EN Why We Eat (Too Much): The New Science of Appetite, Andrew Jenkinson
FR Big Food & Cie – Comment la recherche du profit à tout prix nuit à notre santé, Mélissa Mialon
EN Ravenous: How to get ourselves and our planet into shape, Henry Dimbleby and Jemima Lewis
EN Unprocessed: How the Food We Eat Is Fuelling Our Mental Health Crisis, Kimberley Wilson
EN We are the Weather: Saving The Planet Begins at Breakfast, Jonathan Safran Foer
EN Feeding Britain Our Food Problems and How To Fix Them, Tim Lang
EN Sitopia: How Food Can Save the World, Carolyn Steel
EN Soda Politics: Taking On Big Soda (and Winning), Marion Nestle
EN Food Rules: An Eater’s Manual, Michael Pollan
EN How To Build A Healthy Brain, Kimberley Wilson
EN Barons: Money, Power, and the Corruption of America’s Food Industry, Austin Frerick
EN We Are What We Eat: A Slow Food Manifesto, Alice Waters
EN At What Cost: Modern Capitalism and the Future of Health, Nicholas Freudenberg
things to watch
Sometimes academic research is better communicated in a presentation. And sometimes it’s easier to digest difficult or abundant information when it has been carved up into an easy-to-consume program.
A few of the for-the-public documentaries below can be a bit shallow and/or sensationalistic, so I would recommend using them more as a launching pad into a deeper dive on the topic, rather than taking them at face value or viewing them as the complete story. That’s why I also included for-academics-and-professionals viewing materials. Still, let’s not let perfection become the enemy of progress.
All of these various resources provide good motivation for thought, discussion, and action — and, while we cannot do everything at once, something must be done… at once!
a selection of talks, lectures & documentaries
(in English, French, or Norwegian)
last updated in November 2024
a bit more in-depth
FR Rôle de la nutrition dans la prévention des maladies chroniques — Mathilde Touvier (2023)
EN The Nova Food Classification System: rationale, description and applications — Columbia University
EN Eating in the Anthropocene: Healthy, Sustainable & Equitable Food on a Systemic Level
FR Comment le design urbain influence l’alimentation des citoyens avec Bernard Lavallée
EN Ultra-Processed Foods (Kevin Hall)
EN Food Politics 2019: “Nutrition Science Under Siege” with Marion Nestle
EN Accelerating veg consumption: What more can we do to change diets? — Veg Summit Series
EN Ultra-Processed Food: The Tipping Point — Food, Farming & Countryside Commission (FFCC)
EN The public meeting of the House of Lords Committee on Food, Diet, and Obesity
a bit more superficial (and sometimes sensational) viewings
EN Ultra-Processed Food: A Recipe for Ill Health? (BBC)
EN Farmworkers: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)
EN What Are We Feeding Our Kids? (BBC)/ NO Vet du hva barnet ditt spiser? (NRK)
FR Pays émergents, de la famine à l’obésité (Investigations et Enquêtes)
EN Food Fight [a documentary with Michael Pollan, Marion Nestle, Dan Barber and Alice Waters]
FR Les aliments transformés qui nous tuent (100% Docs)
EN India’s Obesity Timebomb (Bloomberg)
EN Cheap food (ARTE) / FR La grande malbouffe (ARTE)
EN Ultra-Processed Food: A Recipe for Ill Health? (BBC Panorama)
FR Santé: que cachent les additifs alimentaires? (France 2)
EN Is food working for everyday people? (Food, Farming, and Countryside Commission)
EN Seeds of Profit (Premières Lignes / France 2)
EN Ultra Processed: How Food Tech Consumed the American Diet (CBS Reports)